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How much do you really know about this country of exciting cities, beautiful island and wonderful mountains? Everybody knows about Scotch whisky, but this book looks a little further than the scotland of visitors - at the real Scotland that lies underneath.

  In Scotland, there are many wonderful things such as industry, natural place to visit, amazing historical people, and so on.
It's interesting that Scotland is a country in country. This is because of Fitgt with England. Scotland has many history .

Published by Oxford University Press. first - 1998, fifth impression - 2003.
By Steve Flinders.




Apollo's Gold

When you are afraid, you can do things that you can't usually do.(p.38) There was a woman who went to a certain island to reflesh her. But she was involved in crime of illegal importing. And gradually the mean of Apollo turned out to be "the God of Apollo." Antoinette Moses(1999) Apollo's Gold. Cambridge University Press.


Tom Walsh had a lot to learn about life. He liked travelliung, and he was in no hurry. He liked the two American girls on the train. They were nice and very friendly. They knew a lot of places. Tom thought they were fun. Tom certainly had a lot to learn about life. This is a collection of short stories about adventures on trains. Strange, wonderful, and frightening things can happen on trains - and all of them happen here. One person was punished because of two girls. But the man didn't have doen wrong things.

Fireball's Heart

“”My people,” Wise Owl says, “always tell the truth.” (p.9) “One of the horses is tall and black. His name is Fireball and he is very fast.” (p.11) “Let’s have a test.” (p.12) “In her dreams, Blue Feather can see people. They have no mouths. They cannot speak. They never tell lies.”(p.15) “In order to get better I must eat the heart of the best horse on the prairie.” (p.18) ““Wise Owl,” he says, “Fireball is dead!”” “He tells him the truth.”(p.24) there is a man called Dark Eyes. He is said to a man who never lie. One day he faces a problem and he should tell the truth which maybe makes his boss angry. But, he tell truth. Herbert Puchta(2011). Fireball's Heart. HELBLING READERS.