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7月, 2018の投稿を表示しています

Fireball's Heart

“”My people,” Wise Owl says, “always tell the truth.” (p.9) “One of the horses is tall and black. His name is Fireball and he is very fast.” (p.11) “Let’s have a test.” (p.12) “In her dreams, Blue Feather can see people. They have no mouths. They cannot speak. They never tell lies.”(p.15) “In order to get better I must eat the heart of the best horse on the prairie.” (p.18) ““Wise Owl,” he says, “Fireball is dead!”” “He tells him the truth.”(p.24) there is a man called Dark Eyes. He is said to a man who never lie. One day he faces a problem and he should tell the truth which maybe makes his boss angry. But, he tell truth. Herbert Puchta(2011). Fireball's Heart. HELBLING READERS.