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10月, 2017の投稿を表示しています

The LOVE of a KING

Edward is the first royal star, one newspaper wrote, and he is now the most famaous man in the world.(p.8)  The king was not lived by his parents when he was young. But, he met a woman who was his wife.He loved the person. Then, he become a King. He faced a lot of difficulties related to love.  This book is in the OXFORD BOOKWORMS LIBRARY. It has very deep and nice stories. Peter dainty(1989). The LOVE of a KING. OXFORD BOOKWORMS LIBRARY.


Tom Walsh had a lot to learn about life. He liked travelliung, and he was in no hurry. He liked the two American girls on the train. They were nice and very friendly. They knew a lot of places. Tom thought they were fun. Tom certainly had a lot to learn about life. This is a collection of short stories about adventures on trains. Strange, wonderful, and frightening things can happen on trains - and all of them happen here. One person was punished because of two girls. But the man didn't have doen wrong things.